Understanding Lymphoma

Understanding Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that originates in the immune system. It causes infection-fighting cells called lymphocytes to become overgrown and out of control. There are two types of lymphoma: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: This type is the most common type that is diagnosed. Hodgkin's Lymphoma: This type of cancer differs because it effects different types of lymphocytes. It also more commonly originates in the upper body, rather than random lymph nodes throughout the body.

Understanding Liver Cancer and Common Symptoms

Understanding Liver Cancer and Common Symptoms

In comparison with other types of cancer, liver cancer is rare. In fact, the American Liver Foundation says that there are only about 30,000 cases of it diagnosed in the United States each year. Unfortunately, about 29,000 of the people who get it will die from the illness though. One of the main reasons for this is that liver cancer often presents no symptoms in people until it has reached its later stages.

Top 4 Symptoms of IBS

Top 4 Symptoms of IBS

It is often difficult for doctors to pinpoint what causes IBS in individuals suffering from a variety of symptoms. Hence, treatment protocols are not straight forward and one size does not fit all.

Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms and Treatment

Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms and Treatment

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the blood that affects plasma cells, a type of white blood cell. Plasma cells target germs and fight them as part of the body’s immune system.

What Is Hepatitis C?

What Is Hepatitis C?

It is important to understand that Hepatitis C occurs in various stages and can affect people in different ways. There are almost 4 million people in the United States who have this disease, but since it causes so little symptoms, most of those who have the disease are not aware they have it.

Foods To Prevent Asthma

Foods To Prevent Asthma

While there is no consistent "cure" for asthmatic conditions, its symptoms can be controlled and managed in such a way that a person can lead a normal and fulfilling life.

Explaining Nasal Polyps And Symptoms

Explaining Nasal Polyps And Symptoms

Nasal polyps are small growths that develop on the nasal passages and sinuses. These growths do not cause any pain and are noncancerous, but they can still create a lot of problems. Nasal polyps can develop at any age, but they are most commonly found in young adults. While no one knows the exact cause of these unwanted growths, they typically develop as a result of chronic inflammation and irritation in the sinuses. The irritation causes the mucus membrane in the nose and sinuses to swell, which creates the polyps. Nasal polyps will generally start off very small. These small growths are very hard to detect because they do not cause any serious symptoms. As the nasal passages and sinuses are exposed to more irritation, the growths will gradually get bigger over time. This is when the problematic symptoms start to appear. The most common symptoms of this medical condition are nasal congestion, nosebleeds, postnasal drip and a runny nose. You will also likely experience strong pains on the forehead and face.

Signs and Symptoms of Narcolepsy

Signs and Symptoms of Narcolepsy

The cause of narcolepsy has not been determined. However, medical researchers believe that the cause is related to a genetic disorder that affects certain genes capable of controlling the sleep and wake chemicals throughout the brain.

Facts About Rheumatoid Arthritis And Snacks That Can Help

Facts About Rheumatoid Arthritis And Snacks That Can Help

Rheumatoid Arthritis can be painful and if you suffer from it, you know how it can impact your life. Studies have shown that diet plays a role in the severity of the symptoms. Eating foods that are high in omega-3 or that have anti-inflammatory properties can help. Some good snacks to consider would be; candied ginger, walnuts, grapes, and berries. Ginger can be consumed in many ways, including in many teas. In any case, ginger is a good addition to your diet to help with the joint pain. Walnuts are rich in omega-3, which is thought to help reduce inflammation. Grapes and Berries have tons of antioxidants and vitamins which can help your body reduce inflammation. You can also try them frozen for a cool snack on a hot day.

Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches can be one of the most frustrating and painful things on the planet. The unfortunate reality is, however, that countless people all around the globe suffer from them on a daily basis. They're honestly no joke, either. These headaches lead to intense and sharp pain on single sides of the forehead. Their effects don't stop with throbbing pain. People who get these headaches often have to deal with nausea, throwing up, auras and other kinds of unpleasant and lingering consequences. The pain and discomfort can stop people from being able to manage their normal activities. These components can stop them from going to school and work. Migraines can interfere with peoples’ social lives and errands as well.